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 Rostyle centre caps

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Paul_White Posted - 05 Feb 2016 : 22:23:23
Does anyone know where the correct type can bd found. I am regularly checking ebay but the rootes ones are different to the mg and ford types. Thanks
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sunbeam-mike Posted - 29 Mar 2017 : 16:11:24

Paul Marshall was very helpful regarding wheelnuts a couple of weeks ago.


Mike Hooper
jabe1807 Posted - 15 Nov 2016 : 19:39:17
I need just 1 wheel nut to my rostyle rims. If anyone have a nut to sell me, I think I will make a set,I think it is impossible to get some used one.
jabe1807 Posted - 07 Oct 2016 : 10:44:01
I have send a P.M.
Jan B

Originally posted by Padraig


Just caught up with this thread as I'm refurbishing a set of Rostyles to replace my standard wheels on my Alpine Fastback. I'd also welcome and wheel centres even if they need work!

Also Jabe1807 could I get a set of those labels from you?



bigt80 Posted - 21 Aug 2016 : 16:10:35
Sorted Paul out with some, but they were definitely the last decent centres at the stores. The the remaining ones are very poor, either been drilled to hold on to wheel, or chrome is non existent.
Sorry. G.
Padraig Posted - 18 Aug 2016 : 22:13:42

Just caught up with this thread as I'm refurbishing a set of Rostyles to replace my standard wheels on my Alpine Fastback. I'd also welcome and wheel centres even if they need work!

Also Jabe1807 could I get a set of those labels from you?


bigt80 Posted - 02 Apr 2016 : 22:03:44
Hi Paul,

Will do: I've been in Banbury today & whilst there looking for more centre caps: have found a few, but need to see which are decent ones. Will send some further photos when home. Cheers. G.
Paul_White Posted - 01 Apr 2016 : 22:37:26
Can you email me again as I didn't get your previous message.
jabe1807 Posted - 17 Mar 2016 : 21:40:48
Thanks, I have seen the P.M.
Originally posted by bigt80

Hi all,
Paul, Jabe & Mike.
I've just caught up with this thread again & I'll p.m. you all re what you are looking for. Cheers!

Originally posted by Sunbeam-mike


Interesting thread.

I'm on the hunt for, amongst other things, three wheel centres to complete my set, so if you stumble over any more Glen I'll be very interested.



Mike Hooper

bigt80 Posted - 17 Mar 2016 : 10:51:18
Hi all,
Paul, Jabe & Mike.
I've just caught up with this thread again & I'll p.m. you all re what you are looking for. Cheers!

Originally posted by Sunbeam-mike


Interesting thread.

I'm on the hunt for, amongst other things, three wheel centres to complete my set, so if you stumble over any more Glen I'll be very interested.



Mike Hooper

Sunbeam-mike Posted - 15 Mar 2016 : 12:14:21

Interesting thread.

I'm on the hunt for, amongst other things, three wheel centres to complete my set, so if you stumble over any more Glen I'll be very interested.



Mike Hooper
jabe1807 Posted - 07 Mar 2016 : 20:22:37
Originally posted by bigt80

Hey, they don't look too bad. I'm still going to look for some oe ones for Paul when in Banbury Monday, but as the acrylic centres are hard to get now, those stickers are an option!
Looks like you need some nice domed wheel nuts to finish the look of the wheel off thought jabe1807
Very hard to find the correct chamfer to get a snug fit. The standard wheel nuts do not bed completely into the Rostyle and so can't be used. I don't think club has any unfortunately. Cheers. G.

Hi. Yes I need wheelnuts.Du you know what type I can use (what is correct angle/ chamfer?).Original wheelnuts has been perfect.
I need one wheelcenter, I have 3 original. If you can get one to me it would be great. I have the acrulic senter.
Regards Jan
Paul_White Posted - 04 Mar 2016 : 14:33:12
G, I found my email address was out of date. Sorted now.
If you have already tried to p.m. me it would have been lost. Sorry for any inconvenience.
bigt80 Posted - 03 Mar 2016 : 16:12:09
Hi Paul,
Have found some: will drop you a p.m. Two new & two not so good. Will try and send photos too. Cheers. G.

Originally posted by bigt80

Ah Paul, sorry, I forgot . Going again at end of month. Will put on the list. I have found one at home, but not good condition. I'm intending to obtain just the centre's & the sprung clips on the back. No emblems. Cheers & apols. G

Originally posted by Paul_White

Did you have time to look over the weekend?

bigt80 Posted - 28 Feb 2016 : 00:55:01
Hey, they don't look too bad. I'm still going to look for some oe ones for Paul when in Banbury Monday, but as the acrylic centres are hard to get now, those stickers are an option!
Looks like you need some nice domed wheel nuts to finish the look of the wheel off thought jabe1807
Very hard to find the correct chamfer to get a snug fit. The standard wheel nuts do not bed completely into the Rostyle and so can't be used. I don't think club has any unfortunately. Cheers. G.
jabe1807 Posted - 26 Feb 2016 : 22:24:21
I have used centercaps from MG, they fit the rostyle.And bought labels to put on If you need some labels, I can send to you.

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