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T O P I C    R E V I E W
B3hoo Posted - 03 Feb 2017 : 20:33:37
Hi, I'm new to the forum - and Rapier ownership.
I'm just buying a '64 plate Series IV Rapier. White with red roof, side flash and interior. Although tidy and solid it is missing a few parts. Can anyone help with the following secondhand parts?

1 x Boot lid chrome plynth (any condition considered)
2 x IV lower front wing badges
2 x Chrome headlamp bezels
1 x carpet (red) with underfelt (must be tidy)
1 x Wooden dash with sound veneer (don't mind if I have to re varnish)
1 x Interior light cover, or complete lamp

Hoping you can help and looking forward to many years of ownership and fun.

Thanks in advance.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B3hoo Posted - 24 Feb 2017 : 11:15:31
Hi Phil
Thanks for the offer but I have been chatting with Mike, from the spares dept, and he has sorted me out with one that seems to be in a similar condition.

I have now found most of the parts I originally needed and am continuing with the repairs. Having said that I keep finding other things, as always with an older car.

Hope to have it back on the road next week and then improve whilst using.

Thanks again for the offer of help.

RapierPhil Posted - 23 Feb 2017 : 15:26:34
Boot Plinth Series 1V

Hi Paul

I have a Series 1V boot plinth which would require re-chroming or spraying silver. If you are interested give me a ring. 01673 843298

Cheers Phil
B3hoo Posted - 11 Feb 2017 : 20:40:22
Thanks to everyone for the fantastic help and suggestions.
I had thought that the boot plinth was going to be difficult so I had thought of getting one in poor condition and painting it body colour. The car has some period modifications H4 headlamps, alternator and negative earth, painted headlamp surrounds, so this would not be such a departure. I'll post some pictures when the car is in more regular use and the weather is better.

I'll certainly follow up on the contacts provided, and see how far I can afford to go compared with the value of the car (and my shallow pockets).

Really pleased I came to the forum - great support.

Thanks All
bigt80 Posted - 11 Feb 2017 : 15:02:49
Hi Paul,
Re your 'wants' - my comments added next to your list.
1 x Boot lid chrome plynth (any condition considered) - As John C says, very difficult to find in any reasonable shape. Club are at very early stages of looking into re-manufacture, but need to find oe drawings at Rootes Archive Centre Trust. They were same on IV/V's, but 'Sunbeam' script was sometimes on black and sometimes red background for some reason?
2 x IV lower front wing badges - Club does the surround - contact 'Grumpy1' on here. Inserts more difficult. I may have a couple - will check.
2 x Chrome headlamp bezels - They should be around, but more likely in body colour I expect
1 x carpet (red) with underfelt (must be tidy) - yes, as per onefunkyman.
1 x Wooden dash with sound veneer (don't mind if I have to re varnish) - Yes, may be one at our stores in Banbury, or contact (Mike)
1 x Interior light cover, or complete lamp - can't help there.
Hope some of it helps a bit.
Cheers. G.
johnc Posted - 10 Feb 2017 : 09:10:25
Hi Paul,
Boot plinths are I think very hard to find in anything like good condition as the alloy becomes pitted and is of a type that cannot be re-chromed as far as I know.
My plinth was in poor condition so I decided the only practical option was to carefully grind down all the pitting,fill and prep for a paint finish.I then painted it body colour,I'm happy with the result but of course it's not an original detail.
Incidentally I did try an alleged quality silver paint which was useless.
B3hoo Posted - 09 Feb 2017 : 14:31:33
Thanks John
I'll see what they've got. It's always best to work on recommendation.

Any Idea where I could get a boot trim, No, Plate plinth, seems they're a bit rare for SIV!

Thanks again.
johnc Posted - 09 Feb 2017 : 11:16:37
Hi Paul,
Re Carpets.
I obtained a set for my SIV from Coverdale Carpets ,Blackburn/Burnley I think.
They were a reasonably good fit although a little bit of fettling was needed I am pleased with the result.

B3hoo Posted - 07 Feb 2017 : 20:24:05
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I'll give him a go.

The engine kept cutting out and I had to clean the carb twice, on the side of the A1 (not fun in freezing fog), but it has revealed to me that the Rapier has the wrong engine fitted. I have no idea what it is so will leave another post on the Tech forum
onefunkyman Posted - 07 Feb 2017 : 14:45:20
Hi Paul,

There's a chap on ebay that does carpets for things, his name is Ian and he's listed under "Carhoods" or something like that.

I had a new carpet for my Alpine and my other half's H120, both were a fairly poor fit but with a bit of swearing it ended up looking pretty decent! No new carpet will be perfect as the original mounds etc don't exist as far as i know.

Give him a shout as a carpet that's more of less cut to size is a big step up from nothing! Oh and get yourself the following;
1. a few tins of spray adhesive, cheapest in The Range.
2. have some strong carpet scissors and a knife too for trimming.
3. lots of tea/coffee and a charity swear box!!!


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